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New Bulk Tape available.  30 properties available in Southern California.  Take Down is 6.58 Mil +3 Pts.  Contact me at 808-228-8434

Many people believe that you have to be an uber-Gazillionaire to be able to buy Bank Tapes but the simple truth is that there are as many different levels of entry for tapes out there as their are different investors.  If you are interested in finding out more about how you can take advantage of Bulk REO sales in California, contact me today and we will get you our Non Disclosure form and get you pointed in the right direction.

Best Regards,




Show YOU The Money.....It's What We Do!!

So what is a Bank Tape Anyway?

A bank Tape is simply a bundling of Foreclosed properties.  Sort of like going to Costco to purchase your foreclosure properties.  You are buying in bulk and, as with the big box stores, you’ll get a significant discount by doing so.  These deals are negotiable and so they take a huge amount of work to put together.  As you can imagine we are talking about substantial investments here.  Many Banks want a minimum investment of 50-100 million dollars but there are some smaller players that occasionally allow  investments in the 10-20 million range.

So how does the average  investor make a play here?

Well…..because these tycoons are buying at 50% of the Foreclosure price, they can afford to unload to the average investor at deep discounts.  With many investors in the California market having trouble finding deals today, Bank Tapes are the savior that can help make your cash register ring!

How do I find these deeply discounted Foreclosures and REO’s?

First off, if you are a first time investor or even an institutional investor we can help.  This is where my team and their expertise come in.

If you are the average investor I can help get you started by teeing up these deals and letting you take a crack at something you wouldn’t normally be able to get in on.  Many California Real estate Markets are in hyper drive at the moment.  The Days On Market or DOM are extremely short in many areas and competition is fierce for investors.  We can get you the deals you can’t get for yourself and we can get them at a fraction of what you would pay for REO’s or Real Estate Owned by the bank.  This increases your profit margins dramatically and decreases your risk.  Remember that we carefully screen applicants and some tapes are limited time offers so you may not make the cut but we encourage you to have a conversation with one of our team members and we will gladly send you an application.

What If I am an Institutional Investor?

If you are an institutional investor or a Realtor looking for investments for your client then please consider our services.  We put together Bank Tape for investors and negotiate the best deals for you.  My team members have access to asset managers that will be able to bundle REO’s together at a fraction of what you might think the cost would be. Please contact me today if you are interested in hearing more about what we have to offer and I will send you our Non Disclosure and Non Compete Addenda and other necessary paper work.

I look forward to servicing your needs.

Dano Newbill

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